Accessing Jetson Card as a Managed Device
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Accessing Jetson Card as a Managed Device

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    Article summary


    The Jetson Orin Nano is supported on the Nodegrid Gate SR device model with the minimum supported version of 6.0.15.  The NVIDIA Jetson Orin is a powerful platform that enables AI-driven applications and edge computing. The ZPE carrier board setup uses a USB connection for serial access via an FTDI chip, and dedicated control pins for managing recovery and reset functionalities. It is also possible to toggle the USB connection to directly connect to the Jetson Card, allowing flashing from recovery mode.

    Available interfaces between Jetson and Nodegrid Gate SR

    The Nodegrid OS automatically detects and creates the Managed Device called JetsonModule when it detects a Jetson Card. You can access the Jetson carrier board using the Serial, KVM, or USB connections.

    Serial Connection

    In the JetsonModule-managed device, you can connect through a serial connection.

    Using Web UI:

    1. Navigate to Access :: Table, select the JetsonModule as the managed device, and click Manage.

    Using CLI:

    [admin@nodegrid /]# cd access/JetsonModule/ 
    [admin@nodegrid JetsonModule]# show name: JetsonModule 
    Status: Connected 
    [admin@nodegrid JetsonModule]# connect

    KVM Connection

    To support KVM over VNC, the IP address of the Jetson must be added to the managed device, together with the port 5900. This was already done in the steps seen above.

    After creating the Managed Device as seen above:

    1. Navigate to Managed Devices :: [Your Device Name].

    2. Click on the Commands tab.

    3. Go to Web and uncheck the Enabled checkbox.

    4. Click on Save.

    5. Click on Add and configure the KVM over VNC as it follows:

    6. Click on Save.

    Your device now has KVM access to Jetson.

    You must also follow the procedure at Running a VNC Server on Jetson Card to enable the VNC server in the Jetson.

    USB Connection

    The following modes are available to manage reset and recovery modes:

    • module_recovery_off  

    • module_recovery_on

    • module_recovery_status

    • module_reset

    Execute the following command to access these modes via CLI:

    [admin@nodegrid /]# cd access/JetsonModule/ 
    [admin@nodegrid JetsonModule]# module_recovery 
    module_recovery_off     module_recovery_on      module_recovery_status  module_reset 
    [admin@nodegrid JetsonModule]#

    To connect to Jetson USB, your device first need to be in recovery mode. This is done in such way that one can flash the Bootloader and Nodegrid OS to Jetson.

    Recovery On Using Web UI:

    Click on the Recovery On button in the WebUI.

    Recovery On Using CLI:

    Execute the command from the CLI by using module_recovery_on:

    [admin@nodegrid /]# cd access/JetsonModule/
    [admin@nodegrid JetsonModule]# module_recovery_on
    Recovery Enabled
    [admin@nodegrid JetsonModule]#

    This will force Jetson into recovery mode and reset it.

    After putting the Jetson Card in to Force Recovery Mode, a new USB device appears. You can view this by running the command  lsusb on root shell.

    [admin@nodegrid /]# shell sudo su -
    root@nodegrid:~# lsusb
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 05e3:0620 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB3.2 Hub
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0955:7523 NVIDIA Corp. APX
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0fc5:b080 Delcom Engineering USB FS IO
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05e3:0610 Genesys Logic, Inc. 4-port hub
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

    In this case, the device that should appear is the NVIDIA Corp, with ID 0955:7523.

    To remove Jetson from recovery mode, you can execute module_recovery_off on CLI or do it from the WebUI:

    Recovery Off Using Web UI:

    Recovery Off Using CLI:

    Execute the command module_recovery_off:

    [admin@nodegrid /]# cd access/JetsonModule/
    [admin@nodegrid JetsonModule]# module_recovery_off
    Recovery Disabled
    [admin@nodegrid JetsonModule]#

    The Serial Connection is enabled after this operation.

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