Image sub-tab
    • 18 Apr 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Image sub-tab

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    Article summary

    Available images are shown on this page. 

    Add Image

    1. Go to Managed Devices :: Views :: Image.
    2. Click Add (displays dialog). 
    3. Enter Name.
    4. In Image menu, select one:
      • Local System radio button, select from the Image Filename drop-down. 
      • Local Computer radio button. Click Choose File, then locate and select the graphic file. 
    5. In Refresh, enter value (seconds).
    6. Click Save.

    Add Image Property Details

    1. Go to Managed Devices :: Views :: Image.
    2. Click on an image (displays dialog).
    3. Right-click on the image (displays properties dialog). 
    4. Enter Name.
    5. In Mode menu, select one:
      • Disabled radio button (dialog expands). 
      • Query radio button (dialog expands). Enter Query. Enter Field
      • Script radio button (dialog expands). On Script drop-down, select one. 
    6. In Threshold menu, enter details:
      1. Enter Threshold value.
      2. On Comparison drop-down select one.
      3. On Icon, select from the pop-up dialog. 
    7. (as needed) Enter details for another Threshold (up to 4).
    8. Click Save.

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