Manage Device Types
    • 14 Apr 2023
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    Manage Device Types

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    Article summary

    Clone Device Type

    1. Go to Managed Devices :: Types.
    2. Locate and select the checkbox of the type to be cloned.
    3. Click Clone (displays dialog). 
    4. Enter Device Type Name.
    5. Click Save.

    Clone Validation

    Ensure the source device is correctly configured. After the clone is created, use this verification process:

    1. Access the clone to verify username, password and IP address is correct.
    2. Audit the log files to verify data logging and event logging settings are correct.
    3. Simulate events and check if any notification is created.
    4. Verify events are detected on the data and event logs.
    5. Verify that the device is in the correct authorization group with proper access rights.

    Edit Device Type

    1. Go to Managed Devices :: Types.
    2. In the Device Type Name column, locate and click on the name.
    3. On the dialog, modify details as needed:
    4. Click Save.

    Delete Device Type

    1. Go to Managed Devices :: Types.
    2. Locate and select the checkbox to be deleted.
    3. Click Delete.
    4. On the confirmation dialog, click OK.

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