Path Steering sub-tab
    • 17 Apr 2023
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    Path Steering sub-tab

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    Article summary

    Add Path Steering

    1. Go to Network :: SD-WAN :: Path Steering.
    2. Click Add (displays dialog). 
    3. Enter Name and Description.
    4. In Measurement menu:
      1. On Measurement Protocol drop-down, select one (Ping).
      2. On Measurement Target drop-down, select one.
        • If Custom (expands dialog), enter Measurement Target IP Address or FQDN
    5. In Steering menu:
      1. On Path Quality drop-down, select one.
      2. On Port Selection menu, select one.
        • Underlay radio button
        • Overlay radio button
        • Both radio button
    6. In Available Links section, select from left-side panel, click Add► to move to right-side panel. To remove from right-side panel, select, and click ◄Remove.
      If device is enrolled in ZPE Cloud, these links should be changed on the ZPE Cloud application.
    7. Click Save.

    Edit Path Steering

    1. Go to Network :: SD-WAN :: Path Steering.
    2. Click on Name (opens dialog).
    3. Make changes, as needed.
    4. Click Save.

    Delete Path Steering

    1. Go to Network :: SD-WAN :: Path Steering.
    2. Select checkbox next to Name.
    3. Click Delete.
    4. On confirmation dialog, click OK.

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