Tree sub-tab
    • 18 Apr 2023
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    Tree sub-tab

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    Article summary

    This displays the tree structure. On first opening, the root locations are shown.

    View Tree Branches

    1. Click the right arrowicon to display the next branch level.
    2. If further branch levels are available, expand the branch.
    3. To contract the branch, click the down arrow icon.

    Add a Branch Item

    1. Go to Managed Devices :: Views :: Tree.
    2. Click Add (displays dialog). 
    3. Enter Name.
    4. In Type menu, select one:
      • Container radio button. In Devices panel, select from left-side panel, click Add► to move to right-side panel. To remove from right-side panel, select, and click ◄Remove.
      • Search radio button (expands dialog). Enter Query to locate and select. 
    5. To select a Parent, click on the solid bar, expand the tree to locate the parent for this addition. 
    6. Select Monitoring Aggregation checkbox (expands dialog). 
      1. Enter Name.
      2. On Type drop-down, select one (Power, Apparent Power, Power Factor, Current, Voltage, Frequency, Temperature, Humidity, Fan Speed, Time Left, Counter, Percent).
      3. Enter Datapoint.
      4. Set Interval (seconds) (default: 300).
      5. Select Sum checkbox.
      6. Select Average checkbox.
        (as needed) Repeat for other Aggregations.
    7. When done, click Save.

    Delete a Branch Item

    1. Go to Managed Devices :: Views :: Tree.
    2. Expand tree to locate item.
    3. Select checkbox.
    4. Click Delete.
    5. On confirmation dialog, click OK.

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