UEFI Upgrade/Downgrade
    • 19 Apr 2023
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    UEFI Upgrade/Downgrade

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    Article summary

    Nodegrid OSes version 5.0 or below are Legacy Only, which means those images are not capable of booting in a system configured for UEFI Boot Mode. In a system running one of those images can be upgraded to new versions but will still run in Legacy. To Upgrade a Legacy device with a new image in UEFI mode, the following procedure is required:

    1. On a USB drive, copy the NG 5.X UEFI image
       Or setup a PxE Server with NG5.X UEFI Netboot Tarball.
    2. During installation, select Install Nodegrid formatting disk. 
    3. After installation, refer to Intrusion Prevention.:

    4. Reboot the system.

    Enable Secure Boot (optional)

    1. Go to Security :: Services :: Intrusion Prevention.
    2. Select Enable Secure Boot checkbox.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Reboot the device.

    Nodegrid OS version 5.1 and above are both Legacy and UEFI compatible.

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