Install Sensor
  • 13 Apr 2023
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Install Sensor

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Article summary

Connect Sensor to Nodegrid Device

  1. Connect sensor directly to a Nodegrid device’s USB slot or on a USB hub.
  2. See the sensor’s Quick Install Guide for additional information.
  3. The Nodegrid OS automatically uses a discover process to recognize the sensor.
  4. After discovery, the sensor must be enabled to provide readings.

Enable Sensor on Nodegrid Device

  1. Log into the Nodegrid device.
  2. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices.
  3. In the Name column, locate and select SignalTower checkbox. 
  4. Click Enable button.

The sensor is now enabled on the Nodegrid device.

Rename Sensor on Nodegrid Device

  1. Log into the Nodegrid device.
  2. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices.
  3. In the Name column, locate and select SignalTower checkbox. 
  4. Click Rename button (displays dialog). 
  5. Enter New Name.
  6. Click Save.

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