Nodegrid Hive SR
  • 23 May 2023
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Nodegrid Hive SR

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Article summary

Quick Start Guide for Nodegrid Hive SR

Security Warning

The Nodegrid Hive SR (HSR) provides access to the internet for devices attached to the LAN ports. As a result, care must be taken to avoid compromising your security policies.

From the factory, this equipment is shipped with the following settings:

  • DHCP – ENABLED in WAN and SFP ports
  • DHCP Server – ENABLED in LAN ports
  • USB, SFP, WAN, and LAN ports – ENABLED
  • Firewall – ENABLED in WAN and SFP ports
  • One default user with passwords: – admin / admin

ZPE requires changing the default passwords of admin at the first login, as well as carefully configuring security settings immediately after initial setup

Please consult the HSR User Guide for more information on security settings.

Please consult the HSR Safety Information before installation.

This equipment is intended only for installation in a RESTRICTED ACCESS LOCATION.

HSR shown


1 Desktop, wall mount, or rack mount your HSR

For detailed rack mounting and wall mounting instructions, see the Nodegrid Manual.

2 Connect to your network

Connect a ZPE-recommended CAT 5e or CAT 6 cable from the WAN0 port to your network.

3 Connect to the Serial Console port

Using the ZPE’s RJ-45 console adaptor, connect a terminal or workstation to the serial console port on the HSR. The HSR will be configured using a terminal or terminal emulator with session settings of: 115200 bps, 8, N, 1 no flow control.

4 Connect power adaptor to turn MSR on

Connect the power cord to the appliance. Power will automatically turn on.

Note: All remaining manual setup steps are required the first time you configure your HSR.

For manual downloads and support, visit:
For further assistance please contact ZPE Technical Support.

5 Configure network parameters

NOTE: Skip to step 6 if you have a DHCP environment. DHCP is the default IP configuration. If no DHCP server is available, please log in to Nodegrid Hive SR via its console port using admin credentials and configure a static IP address using CLI instructions as follows:

[admin@nodegrid /]# cd
[admin@nodegrid WAN0]# set ipv4_mode=static
[admin@nodegrid WAN0]# set ipv4_address=
[admin@nodegrid WAN0]# set ipv4_bitmask=24
[admin@nodegrid WAN0]# set ipv4_gateway=
[admin@nodegrid WAN0]# show
name: WAN0
type: ethernet
ethernet_interface = wan0
connect_automatically = yes
set_as_primary_connection = yes
enable_lldp = no
ipv4_mode = static
ipv4_address =
ipv4_bitmask = 24
ipv4_gateway =
ipv4_dns_server =
ipv4_dns_search =
ipv6_mode = address_auto_configuration
ipv6_dns_server =
ipv6_dns_search =
[admin@nodegrid WAN0]# commit
[admin@nodegrid WAN0]# exit

Login as root with default credentials and change the root password.

6 Configure network & USB devices

NOTE: To check your current IP address, connect to the HSR console port and hit Enter at the login prompt until you see the IP address of WAN0 interface

To configure the HSR for the first time via Network:

a) Connect laptop to the LAN0 port via CAT 5e/6 cable. The laptop will receive IP address in the network.

b) Open browser on the laptop to connect to

c) Log in to your HSR as admin.

d) Set your HSR basic configuration:

  • Security

    • Security, Services page: Select the desired services and Ports, cryptographic protocols and cipher suite levels. Click Save when finished.
    • Authentication page: add your Remote Authentication servers (AD, LDAP, Tacacs+, Radius and/or Kerberos). Click Save when finished.
    • Authorization page: create users groups, set profiles and assign devices. Click Save when finished.
  • Network

    • Network Settings tab: Set your desired Network parameters. Click Save for each submenu.
    • Network Connections tab: Set your desired Network Interfaces parameters. Click Save for each submenu.
  • USB ports

    • Managed Devices tab: Enable and configure your desired USB ports.
  • Change Admin Password
    At any time, click in the upper right corner of your screen and click “Change Password” to change your system password. Click Save when finished.


Your Nodegrid Hive SR is now configured and ready to accept users and connections to its ports and interfaces.

7 Additional Configuration

NOTE: We recommend that you set up a new Administrator account (in admin group with full privileges) and use the new account instead of the default admin account.

Add New Users
Click Security tab, Local Accounts, Add, set options, Save.

Alerts & logging
Set and send alerts by email, SMS, and/or SNMP.

Control network attached PDU power strips and server, network and storage devices.

For advanced configuration options, how-tos and tips please refer to your Nodegrid Hive SR User Guide.

8 Get technical updates

To automatically receive future firmware updates and technical information, sign up here:

By installing, copying, or otherwise using this device, you agree to be bound by the terms of the licensing, maintenance and sale agreements set forth on If you do not agree to the terms of those agreements, do not install or use the Hardware and/or Software Product(s).

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