About this Document
    • 02 Apr 2024
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    About this Document

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    Article summary

    This security document provides a comprehensive overview of ZPE Cloud’s approach to safeguarding its information assets, technological infrastructure, and sensitive data. As cyber threats continue to evolve, the need for a robust and adaptive security strategy becomes paramount. The document outlines the key security policies, protocols, and measures in place to mitigate risks, ensure compliance with industry standards, and foster a resilient security posture.

    The key highlights you will find within this document are:

    Risk Mitigation Strategies

    • Identification, assessment, and implementation of proactive measures to mitigate potential security risks.
    • Continuous monitoring and enhancing of security protocols to address emerging threats.
    • Integration of effective measures meeting state of the art for current levels of controls, assessment of threat, and application of privileged access for data and assets.

    Compliance Adherence

    • Compliance frameworks (CIS, OWASP, ISO27001, NIST, PCI, etc.) followed to ensure alignment with industry regulations.
    • Regular audits and assessments to validate compliance and identify areas for improvement.
    • Identification of Crown Jewel assets to aid in prioritizing systems to ensure business continuity.
    • Creating an attack surface and risk profile for the most important assets for proactive monitoring and protection.

    Incident Response and Recovery

    • Clearly defined incident response procedures to address security breaches promptly.
    • Strategies for post-incident recovery and system restoration.
    • Well defined notification policy in case of breach.

    Information Technology Security

    • Protection of critical assets through advanced security measures.
    • Integration of cutting-edge technologies to enhance threat detection and prevention.
    • Continual assessment for business alignment to governance goals.
    • Incorporation of secure by design and secure by default.

    Employee Training and Awareness

    • Ongoing training programs to ensure staff members are well-informed about security best practices.
    • Regular drills and simulations to test the organization's readiness in responding to security incidents.

    Collaboration with Third-Party Security Providers

    • Partnerships with reputable security service providers to enhance overall security posture.
    • Regular evaluation and optimization of third-party security solutions.

    Future Roadmap

    • Outline of planned security enhancements and investments.
    • Commitment to staying abreast of emerging threats and technologies to adapt the security posture accordingly.
    • Posture assessment and protection of key employees and their identities.
    • Aligning technology to business needs including risk assessment of third-party platforms to inform risk matrix.
    • Proactive threat assessment that seeks to inform Senior Management so that business priority and risk can be assessed for any possible impact to business.

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