Interface Plugin Example
    • 12 Apr 2023
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    Interface Plugin Example

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    Article summary

    This example creates an interface plugin using the clone process. The new plugin is included in a new Profile to collect metrics from the new interface, memory, and cpu usage plugins.

    2. Select Interface eth0 checkbox.
    3. Click CLONE (displays dialog). Edit details.
    4. Change Name to Interface eth1.
    5. (optional) Edit Description (as needed).
    6. In Code textbox, change "eth0" to "eth1", then click SAVE.
      <Plugin interface>
         Interface "eth1"
    7. To create a profile for the plugin, go to APPS ;; ACTIVE ;; NODEGRID DATA LAKE :: PROFILES.
    8. Click +NEW. On the dialog:
      1. Enter Name and Description.
      2. On the Available Plugins panel, select interface eth1, memory and cpu usage.
      3. In Default interval, enter 5. On Interval drop-down, select minute.
      4. Click SAVE.
    9. On the PROFILES page, select the new profile. Click APPLY TO DEVICES (displays dialog). Select device checkboxes, then click APPLY.
    10. On the Banner,   go to PROFILES :: OPERATION. Look for an operation that indicates the Profile was successfully applied to the selected devices. (To refresh the page, click OPERATION tab.)
    11. To review results, go to: APPS :: ACTIVE :: NODEGRID DATA LAKE :: EXPORER.
    12. Click the Hamburger icon.
    13. On the drop-down dialog, click Discover.
    14. The Discover panel provides these options: New, Save, Open, Share, Inspect. The table lists events on the Profile.
    15. To view more details, click Right-arrow to display expanded document details.

    Hover over the symbol to display operation options.

    Hover over these pop-out options for tooltips on functionality (Filter for value, Filter out value, Toggle column in table, Filter for field present).

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