Manage Link Profiles
    • 16 Nov 2023
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    Manage Link Profiles

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    Article summary

    Create Link Profile

    1. Go to APPS :: ACTIVE :: SD-WAN :: PROFILE :: LINK.
    2. Click +NEW (displays dialog).
    3. Enter the Link Name.
      Naming convention restrictions follow this regex:
       – / ^ [A-Z a-z _] [A-Z a-z 0-9 _ -] * $ / .
       First character of Name must be a letter (A-Z, a-z) or _ (underscore)
       Following characters can be letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), _ (underscore), or - (dash).
    4. From the Interface Type drop-down list, select one (ETHERNET, ADSL, GSM, WIFI, PPPOE).
    5. In Probes per Second, enter a number.
    6. In Probe Idle Time, enter a value (seconds).
    7. Click SAVE.

    Edit Link Profile

    1. Go to APPS :: ACTIVE :: SD-WAN :: PROFILE :: LINK.
    2. In table, select checkbox to edit.
    3. Click EDIT (displays dialog). Make changes, as needed.
    4. Click SAVE.

    Clone Link Profile

    1. Go to APPS :: ACTIVE :: SD-WAN :: PROFILE :: VPN.
    2. In table, select checkbox on which item to clone.
    3. Click CLONE (displays dialog).
    4. Update details, as needed.
    5. Click SAVE.

    Delete Link Profile

    1. Go to APPS :: ACTIVE :: SD-WAN :: PROFILE :: LINK.
    2. In table, select checkbox on which item to delete.
    3. Click DELETE.
    4. On Confirmation dialog, click YES.

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