Manage Map Details
    • 16 Nov 2023
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    Manage Map Details

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    Article summary

    View Double-Device Location Details

    When multiple devices are located in the same location, the map shows a circle with a number. Click the circle to expose the device markers. Click the markers to show details. 

    View Location Details

    To view details on a location, hover over the marker. 

    View SD-WAN Device Details

    To view SD-WAN device details, click on the map’s device marker (displays dialog on ACCESS tab). Provides device details. 

    Search function

    On the right side of the page is the Search function. This identifies devices that match the search conditions. 

    1. Go to APPS :: ACTIVE :: SD-WAN :: DASHBOARD :: MAP.
    2. In the Search field, enter text.
    3. In Filters: (conditions to apply to the search).
      1. On Topology drop-down, select a specific topology.
      2. On Device Status drop-down, select one or more items. Options are: Online, Offline (click to select, click again to unselect).
      3. On Tunnel Status drop-down, select one or more items. Options are: UP, DOWN, PENDING, WARNING (click to select, click again to unselect).
    4. The table list adjusts according to the selections.


    At lower right of page, is the status indicators: Total Devices and Total Tunnels. The color legend indicates status. 

    Total Devices reports the number of enrolled devices with SD-WAN support. Pie chart displays proportion of devices for each status: Online, Offline.

    Total Tunnels identifies number of tunnels for all topologies. Pie chart displays the proportion of tunnels for each status: Up, Down, Pending, Warning.

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