Auto Discovery Configuration Process
    • 14 Mar 2023
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    Auto Discovery Configuration Process

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    Article summary

    This is the process to configure auto discovery on various devices.

    1. Create a template device. (For each device type, a template device must be created.)
      Clone is recommended. The template needs to include all the settings as for an end device, except connection details to the discovered devices.
    2. For network devices, create a Network Scan.
    3. For virtual machines, create a Virtual Manager.
    4. For all devices, create a Discovery Rule.
      Discovery rules must be associated with the template device. These rules determine action taken on every discovered device.
    5. Start the discovery process.
      This process automatically starts when a device is added to the Nodegrid Platform. A manual discovery process can be started from the WebUI (Managed Devices :: Auto Discovery :: Discover Now) or CLI (/settings/auto_discovery/discover_now/).

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