Docker tab
    • 23 Dec 2024
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    Docker tab

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    Article summary

    Docker is an open platform to build, ship, and run distributed applications. With Administrator privileges, users can run Docker apps on Nodegrid. Docker applications can be pulled from Docker Hub, starting and stopping of the Docker Containers.


    Docker supports Seccomp and Apparmor. New containers are Seccomp and Apparmor enabled by default.

    To start a container without Seccomp and Apparmor, the following shell command is required:

    docker run --name <name> --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --security-opt apparmor=unconfined <image name>.

    Containers created before v5.4 retain the same behavior prior to this Docker upgrade. For example, if the container was created with the default command, Seccomp and Apparmor is disabled.

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