Enrollment sub-tab
    • 17 Apr 2023
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    Enrollment sub-tab

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    Article summary

    Description of Settings

    Automatic Enrollment

    With Automatic Enrollment, new Nodegrid devices can automatically become available to an existing cluster. For Peers, this is enabled by default. The Pre-Shared Key setting must be the same on the Coordinator (set by default to nodegrid-key). The Interval setting only applies to the Coordinator and regulates how often invitations are sent to potential peers.

    Enable Cluster

    When enabled, each Cluster requires one Coordinator that controls enrollment of peer systems. The first unit in the Cluster must be the Coordinator. All other units are Peers. When a Peer device is set to the Coordinator role, the change is automatically propagated. The previous Coordinator device is changed to Peer. Ensure the Coordinator device has Allow Enrollment selected. This provides a Cluster Name and Pre-Shared Key to enroll peers (and used in each Peer's settings). The Cluster Mode can be Star or Mesh.

    In MESH, the Coordinator is only required for the enrollment of the peers. Once all Nodegrid systems were enrolled in the Cluster, the Coordinator can be set to Peer (prevents enrollment of other devices.)

    Peer Management

    Any peers with enabled peer management, are shown under the Central Management tab of the Coordinator.

    Allows Nodegrid device hardware to be centrally upgraded. The upgrade process for remote devices is done on the cluster's Management page. The firmware applied to the units must be hosted on a central location, available through a URL (URL should include the remote server’s IP or hostname, file path, and the ISO file. If the status shows Disabled, that device is Peer Management disabled.

    License Pool

    When enabled, the License Pool allows central management of all software licenses within a cluster. At least one device must be configured as the License Pool Server. In STAR mode, this must be the Coordinator. License Pool Clients automatically request required licenses from the License Pool Server. The Server checks availability and assigns as needed. The client sends a renew request based on the Renew Time. If client is unavailable for an extended time (exceeding the servers Lease Time), the client’s licenses become invalid. The license is returned to the pool.

    Each Nodegrid device is shipped with five additional test target licenses. A test license is used automatically when a target license is added to the system. This also applies if a target license is applied on the License Pool Server. The first time a device requests target licenses, it requests five additional licenses to cover the currently used test licenses.

    Configure Cluster

    1. Go to Cluster :: Settings :: Enrollment.
    2. On Cluster menu, select Enable Automatic Enrollment checkbox (expands dialog). 
      1. Enter Pre-shared Key (default: nodegrid-key)
      2. Enter Interval (s) (default: 30)
    3. Select Enable Cluster checkbox (allows other Nodegrid systems to manage, access, and search managed devices from other nodes) (expands dialog). 
      1. On Type menu, select one:
        • Coordinator radio button (expands dialog) 
        • Allow Enrollment checkbox (expands dialog). Enter Pre-Shared Key
          • On Cluster Mode menu, select one radio button (Star, Mesh).
          • Enter Polling Rate (s). (default: 30).
      2. Peer radio button (expands dialog) 
        • Coordinator's Address (default: blank)
        • Pre-Shared Key
      3. Select Enable Clustering Access checkbox.
    4. On Services menu:
      1. Select Enable Peer Management checkbox.
      2. Select Enable License Pool checkbox (expands dialog). 
      3. On Type menu, select one:
        • Server radio button (expands dialog). Enter Renew Time (days) (default 1). Enter Lease Time (days) (default 7) (range: 7-30 days). 
        • Client radio button
    5. Click Save.

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