Automatic Enrollment Range sub-tab
    • 13 Dec 2024
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    Automatic Enrollment Range sub-tab

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    Article summary

    After the Coordinator is enabled and configured, the admin user can add a range of IPs for other Nodegrid devices on the network. This range eliminates the need to go to each Nodegrid node and manually set each as peers. 

    It is recommended to only add IP's to the Automatic Enrollment Range which are potentially Nodegrid units. When set, invitations are continually sent to all IP's until a Nodegrid device is identified on a specific IP, and then is added to the Cluster.

    An existing IP range setting cannot be modified. If an adjustment is needed, create a new IP range and delete the old IP range.

    Add Automatic Enrollment Range

    1. Go to Cluster :: Settings :: Automatic Enrollment Range.

    2. Click Add (displays dialog).

      1. Enter IP Range Start.

      2. Enter IP Range End.

    3. Click Save.

    Delete Automatic Enrollment Range

    1. Go to Cluster :: Settings :: Automatic Enrollment Range.

    2. Select checkbox next to IP range to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

    4. On confirmation dialog, click OK.

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