Outlets sub-tab
    • 17 Apr 2023
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    Outlets sub-tab

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    Article summary

    Add and Configure Power Outlets

    Access permissions for power outlets from Rack PDUs are controlled individually as the power to turn on or off a device can have severe consequences for the running of a data center or remote location. The assignment of permissions is analogous to device's access permissions.

    1. Go to Security :: Authorization.
    2. Click on the Group Name.
    3. Click Outlets sub-tab. 
    4. Click Add (displays dialog).  
    5. On Outlets to Control menu, Outlets panel: To add, select from left-side panel, click Add► to move to right-side panel. To remove from right-side panel, select, and click ◄Remove.
    6. On Outlet Permissions menu, select one:
      • Power Control radio button (permission to turn on or off an outlet)
      • Power Status radio button (permission to see the current outlet status)
      • No Access radio button (no access to outlet)
    7. Click Save.

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