Remote Groups sub-tab
    • 17 Apr 2023
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    Remote Groups sub-tab

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    Article summary

    Assign Remote Groups

    External remote groups must be assigned to a local group. This ensures the remote group gets the correct permissions.

    This step is required for LDAP, AD, and Kerberos groups. Radius and TACACS+ authentication providers use other methods to link external groups/users to local groups.
    1. Go to Security :: Authorization.
    2. Click on the Group Name,
    3. On the Remote Groups sub-tab, enter Remote Group Names (comma-separated). 
    4. Click Save.

    Depending on system permission, access to specific devices can be assigned to groups. Devices must be added to the group. Appropriate access rights can be set. Multiple devices can be added at the same time.

    Access permissions to control power outlets are granted through the Outlets permissions and not through Devices

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