Search Functionality
    • 19 Apr 2023
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    Search Functionality

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    Article summary

    The Nodegrid Manager provides advanced search capabilities to locate and view device information.

    In the WebUI, this is available on all Device views and can filter device lists based on search criteria. On the CLI, the search command is available in the access folder.

    The function is available on stand-alone units and units in a Cluster configuration. All changes to device information and newly added device properties are automatically updated in the System as a background function.

    Search Field Options



    [search string]

    A search string that represents part of or a complete string.


    Combines multiple search strings with an Boolean AND.


    Combines multiple search strings with a Boolean OR. Default search behavior for more than one search string.


    Targets matching the search string with Boolean NOT are excluded from the returns.

    [field name]

    Limits the search results to a specific Field Name.

    The Boolean keywords AND, OR and NOT are case-sensitive. Lower-case is entered (and, or, not) is included as part of the search string.

    Examples of standard and custom field data searches

    This includes groups (such as “admin” group), IP addresses or a specific device.

    Example with AND “PDU AND IPMI” 

    [admin@nodegrid search]# search "PDU AND IPMI"
    search: PDU AND IPMI
    results: 1 result
    page: 1 of 1
    [admin@nodegrid search]# show
      name  status  action
      ====  ======  ======
      IPMI  -

    Example with OR "PDU OR IPMI" 

    [admin@nodegrid access]# search "PDU OR IPMI"
    search: PDU OR IPMI
    results: 4 results
    page: 1 of 1
    [admin@nodegrid search]# show
      name                   status  action
      =====================  ======  ======
      IPMI                   -
      RPDU                   -
      Device_Console_SSH     -
      Device_Console_Serial  -

    Example with "PDU IPMI" 

    [admin@nodegrid access]# search "PDU IPMI"
    search: PDU IPMI
    results: 4 results
    page: 1 of 1
    [admin@nodegrid search]# show
      name                   status  action
      =====================  ======  ======
      IPMI                   -
      RPDU                   -
      Device_Console_SSH     -
      Device_Console_Serial  -

    Example with NOT "PDU AND NOT IPMI" 

    [admin@nodegrid search]# search "PDU AND NOT IPMI"
    search: PDU AND NOT IPMI
    results: 3 results
    page: 1 of 1
    [admin@nodegrid search]# show
      name                   status  action
      =====================  ======  ======
      RPDU                   -
      Device_Console_SSH     -

    Example with Field Name "name:PDU" 

    [admin@nodegrid search]# search "name:PDU"
    search: name:PDU
    results: 1 result
    page: 1 of 1
    [admin@nodegrid search]# show
      name  status  action
      ====  ======  ======
      RPDU  -

    Global Search

    The WebUI has a Global Search field located at the top, next to current user information and log out. Global Search works in the same as Device Search and supports the same keywords. This is available at the top of all pages.

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