Table tab
    • 04 Dec 2023
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    Table tab

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    Article summary

    This provides easy access to all devices with current status conditions. Any connected devices to a device are shown on the Cluster page.

    When attempting to access an unlicensed or expired license device, an error message displays. Contact ZPE to update the license.

    In the Table, the Action column shows buttons to access that device. The type of button depends on the device: Console, SSH, Telnet, KVM, MKS. 

    Click any device to provide the full range of access.
    If the device has joined any remote clusters, the remote cluster details are displayed. This page capture shows three clusters. The top one displays the local cluster details and the others are remote clusters. 

    Managing a Device using the Access tab

    When there is a large number of devices connected and listed on this page, looking for a particular device and managing its configuration on a different page can be a challenging and time-consuming task. When you click the Device name > Manage, you are directed to the Managed Access :: Devices page.  For more information, see Manage Devices.

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    Eddy, a generative AI, facilitating knowledge discovery through conversational intelligence