Configure Sensor Settings on Nodegrid Device
  • 13 Apr 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Configure Sensor Settings on Nodegrid Device

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Article summary

To perform these procedures, log into the Nodegrid Device.

Access sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: SignalTower_Alarm :: Access
  2. As needed (many of these are optional):
    1. Enter Username.
    2. Enter Password and Confirm Password.
    3. Enter Address Location.
    4. Enter Coordinates (Lat,Lon).
    5. Click Icon (on pop-up, select the preferred icon).
    6. On Mode drop-down, select one (Enabled, On-demand, Disabled, Discovered).
    7. Select Allow Pre-shared SSH Key checkbox.
    8. On Baud Rate drop-down, select one (Auto, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 921600).
      On Parity drop-down, select one (NoneEvenOdd).
      On Flow Control drop-down, select one (None, Software, Hardware).
      On Data Bits drop-down, select one (5, 6, 7, 8, Auto).
      On Stop Bits drop-down, select one (1, 2).
      On RS-232 signal for device state detection drop-down, select one (Auto, DCD, CTS, None). 
    9. Select Enable device state detection based on data flow checkbox.
      If selected, enter Data flow scan interval (s).
    10. Select Enable Hostname Detection checkbox.
    11. Select Multisession checkbox.
  3. On Inbound Access menu:
    1. Select Skip authentication to access device (NONE authentication) checkbox.
      If selected, select checkboxes, as needed:
      Skip in SSH sessions checkbox
      Skip in Telnet sessions checkbox
      Skip in Raw sessions checkbox
      Skip in Web sessions checkbox
    2. Enter Escape Sequence (default: ^Ec).
    3. Enter Power Control Key (default: ^O).
    4. Select Show Text Information checkbox.
    5. Select Enable IP Alias checkbox (extends dialog).Enter IP Address.
      On Interface drop-down, select one.
      On Browser Action drop-down, select one.
      Select Allow Telnet Protocol checkbox. Enter TCP Socket Port (default: 23).
    6. Select Enable second IP Alias checkbox (repeats above)
    7. Select Allow SSH Protocol checkbox (extends dialog). Enter SSH Port.
    8. Select Allow Telnet protocol checkbox (extends dialog). Enter Telnet Port.
    9. Select Allow Binary Socket checkbox (extends dialog). Enter TCP Socket Port.
  4. Click Save.

Management sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: SignalTower_Alarm :: Management
  2. In the Monitoring menu, select Nominal checkbox (expands dialog). 
    1. Enter Name.
    2. On Type drop-down, select one. 
    3. Enter Value.
    4. Enter Interval (s).
  3. In the Scripts menu (if scripts are available): 
    1. On Run on Session Start drop-down, select a script.
    2. On Run on Session Stop drop-down, select a script.
    3. On Run on Device UP drop-down, select a script.
    4. On Run on Device Down drop-down, select a script.
  4. Click Save.

Custom Fields sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: SignalTower_Alarm :: Custom Fields
  2. To create a custom field, click Add (display’s dialog).
    1. Enter Field Name.
    2. Enter Field Value.
  3. Click Save.

Commands sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: SignalTower_Alarm :: Commands
  2. To create a custom command, click Add.
  3. In Command drop-down select one (Web, Custom Commands).
    1. Select Web (displays dialog). Select Enabled checkbox.
      Enter WEB URL.
    2. Select Custom Commands (displays dialog). Select Enabled checkbox.
      In Script drop-down, select one. Select Enabled checkbox. Enter Command Label.
  4. (Repeat as needed)
  5. Click Save.

Sensor Channels sub-tab

The table displays configured sensor channels.

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: SignalTower_Alarm :: Sensor Channels
  2. Click on SignalTower_Alarm_cn0 channel (displays dialog). 
    1. Edit Name (as needed).
    2. On Mode drop-down, accept default: light.
    3. On Unit drop-down, accept default: Off/On/Continuous Cycle.
  3. Click on SignalTower_Alarm_cn1 channel (displays dialog). 
    1. Edit Name (as needed).
    2. On Mode drop-down, accept default: light.
    3. On Unit drop-down, accept default: Off/On/Continuous Cycle.
  4. Click on SignalTower_Alarm_cn2 channel (displays dialog). 
    1. Edit Name (as needed).
    2. On Mode drop-down, accept default: buzzer.
  5. On Unit drop-down, accept default: Off/On/Continuous Cycle.
  6. Click Save.

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