Configure Sensor Settings on Nodegrid Device
  • 13 Apr 2023
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Configure Sensor Settings on Nodegrid Device

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Article summary

To perform these procedures, log into the Nodegrid Device.

Access sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Access
  2. As needed (many of these are optional):
    1. On Type drop-down, accept default: usb_sensor.
    2. Enter Description.
    3. Enter Address Location.
    4. Enter Coordinates (Lat,Lon).
    5. Select Automatically map connected devices to Virtual Machines checkbox. Enter Virtual Machine Name
    6. Click Icon (on pop-up, select the preferred icon).
    7. On Mode drop-down, select one (Enabled, On-demand, Disabled, Discovered).
    8. Select Show Text Information checkbox.
  3. Click Save.

Management sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Management
  2. In the Monitoring menu, select USB Sensor checkbox (expands dialog).
    1. On Template drop-down, accept default: usb_sensor).
    2. Enter Interval (s) (default: 120).
  3. In the Scripts menu: (if scripts are available)
    1. On Run on Session Start drop-down, select a script.
    2. On Run on Session Stop drop-down, select a script.
    3. On Run on Device UP drop-down, select a script.
    4. On Run on Device Down drop-down, select a script.
  4. In Channel Configuration menu: Make changes only on:
    Input 0 State, Input 1 State, Input 3 State, Input 4 State, Input 5 State, Input 6 State 
  5. In Input State menu:
    1. In Input # State Channel Unit drop-down, select default: Input Off/On or Output Off/On
    2. In Input # State High Critical Threshold, enter value.
    3. In Input # State High Warning Threshold, enter value.
    4. In Input # State Low Warning Threshold, enter value.
    5. In Input # State Low Critical Threshold, enter value.
  6. Click Save.

Custom Fields sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Custom Fields
  2. To create a custom field, click Add (displays dialog). 
    1. Enter Field Name.
    2. Enter Field Value.
  3. Click Save.

Commands sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Commands
  2. To create a custom command, click Add.
  3. In Command drop-down select one (Web, Custom Commands).
    1. Select Web (displays dialog). Select Enabled checkbox.
      Enter WEB URL.
    2. Select Custom Commands (displays dialog).Select Enabled checkbox.
      In Script drop-down, select one. Select Enabled checkbox. Enter Command Label.
  4. (Repeat as needed)
  5. Click Save.

Sensor Channels sub-tab

The table displays configured sensor channels.

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Sensor Channels
  2. Click on Smoke_Alarm channel (displays dialog). 
    1. Edit Name (as needed).
    2. On Mode drop-down, accept default: digital input.
    3. On Unit drop-down, accept default: Input Off/On.
  3. Click Save.

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