Configure Sensor Settings on Nodegrid Device
  • 13 Apr 2023
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Configure Sensor Settings on Nodegrid Device

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Article summary

To perform these procedures, log into the Nodegrid Device.

Access sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Access
  2. As needed (many of these are optional):
    1. On Type drop-down, accept default: usb_sensor.
    2. Enter Description.
    3. Enter Address Location.
    4. Enter Coordinates (Lat,Lon).
    5. Select Automatically map connected devices to Virtual Machines checkbox. On expanded dialog, enter Virtual Machine Name
    6. Click Icon (on pop-up, select the preferred icon).
    7. On Mode drop-down, select one (Enabled, On-demand, Disabled, Discovered).
    8. Select Show Text Information checkbox.
  3. Click Save.

Management sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Management
  2. In the Monitoring menu:
    1. Select USB Sensor checkbox (expands dialog).
    2. On Template drop-down, accept default: usb_sensor).
    3. Enter Interval (s) (default: 120).
  3. In the Scripts menu: (if scripts are available)
    1. On Run on Session Start drop-down, select a script.
    2. On Run on Session Stop drop-down, select a script.
    3. On Run on Device UP drop-down, select a script.
    4. On Run on Device Down drop-down, select a script.
  4. In Channel Configuration menu: Make changes only on Input 2 State
  5. In Input 2 State menu:
    1. In Input 2 State Channel Unit drop-down, select default: Input Off/On or Output Off/On
    2. In Input 2 State High Critical Threshold, enter value.
    3. In Input 2 State High Warning Threshold, enter value.
    4. In Input 2 State Low Warning Threshold, enter value.
    5. In Input 2 State Low Critical Threshold, enter value.
  6. Click Save.

Custom Fields sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Custom Fields
  2. To create a custom field, click Add (displays dialog). 
    1. Enter Field Name.
    2. Enter Field Value.

3.    Click Save.

Commands sub-tab

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Commands
  2. To create a custom command, click Add.
  3. In Command drop-down select one (Web, Custom Commands).
    1. Select Web (displays dialog). Select Enabled checkbox.
      Enter WEB URL.
    2. Select Custom Commands (displays dialog). Select Enabled checkbox.
      In Script drop-down, select one. Select Enabled checkbox. Enter Command Label.
  4. (Repeat as needed)

3.    Click Save.

Sensor Channels sub-tab

The table displays configured sensor channels.

  1. Go to Managed Devices :: Devices :: Gpio :: Sensor Channels
  2. Click on Smoke_Alarm channel (displays dialog). 
    1. Edit Name (as needed).
    2. On Mode drop-down, accept default: digital input.
    3. On Unit drop-down, accept default: Input Off/On.
  3. Click Save.

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