How to Install a PBA
  • 09 May 2024
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How to Install a PBA

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Article summary

The Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) Pre-Boot Authenticator (PBA) is essential for managing the authorization and unlocking of encrypted drives before the operating system loads. Installing a PBA is necessary for environments that require enhanced security measures to protect data at rest. The PBA ensures the drive remains locked and inaccessible until the correct authentication is provided during the system's boot process.

Installing the SED Pre-Boot Authenticator

Before you begin the installation, ensure that the following pre-requisites are met:

  • Ensure you have physical access to the Nodegrid device as you need to power cycle the device.
  • Secure the required PBA Image files pba.img and pba.img.sha256 from ZPE Systems.
  1. Copy these files to /usr/share/sed or a directory of your preference.
  2. Restart the system and boot in Rescue Mode.
  3. Execute the script /usr/sbin/
  4. Type continue.
  5. You must disable SED  before installing the SED PBA.
  6. Enter the path to the SED PBA Image file. For example,  /var/sbin/
  7. Enter the path to the SED PBA Image Hash file. For example, /var/sed/pba-file.img.sha256.
  8. Accept the SED PBA Version check and wait for the installation.
  9. Power Cycle the machine.

You have successfully installed the PBA.

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