• 26 Aug 2024
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    MAP Tab

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    Article summary

    Map View Controls

    Show/Hide Devices/Sites

    To toggle Map view of sites and devices, select/unselect the Sites checkbox and Devices checkbox (select to display, unselect to hide).

    Zoom In/Out

    Each user can configure a specific zoomed map view. Once set, the map automatically zooms to that when the Map tab is opened (can be modified any time).

    Use the Zoom plus (+) and minus (-) buttons with drag feature to set the map view. When positioned, click the Map Lock button (lower-left). After navigating away from the Map page, on return, the set view will display. Click the Map Lock button again to unlock the Zoom function. User can still zoom in and out, as needed.

    View Double-Device Location Details

    When multiple devices are located in the same location, the map shows a circle with a number. Click the circle to expose the device markers. Click the markers to show details. 

    Site Map Details

    Hover over a Site to display some details. 

    Click on the Site for additional information on the DASHBOARD :: ACCESS tab. 

    Device Map Details

    Hover over a device to display details in a tooltip popup. 

    Site/Device Status

    Click on a device for additional information on the DASHBOARD :: ACCESS page.

    Status Panel (right side) provides a summary of Sites and Device status conditions. Hover over the individual colors for more information. Legend provides status conditions. These Charts show the total registered sites and devices, and the total proportion for each status. Status conditions are shown in the Site Status and Device Status tables. 

    Click the Site circle chart to go to SITES :: GENERAL page.

    Click the Devices circle chart to go to the DASHBOARD :: ACCESS page.

    Site Status

    • Online - (green) Devices at that site are online.

    • Offline - (red) Devices at that site are offline.

    • Partial - (yellow) Some devices at that site are online while others are offline.

    • Empty - (gray) Site does not have assigned Nodegrid devices.

    Device Status

    • Online - (green) Device is online.

    • Offline - (red) Device is offline.

    • Never Connected - (blue) Device has never connected to ZPE Cloud.

    • Failover - (yellow) Device is not using the primary network interface.


    Device status is updated at regular intervals.

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