Classes sub-tab
    • 14 Apr 2023
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    Classes sub-tab

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    Article summary

    This manages QoS classes.

    Add a Class

    1. Go to Network :: QoS :: Classes.
    2. Click Add (displays dialog). 
    3. In Settings menu, enter details:
      1. Name (descriptive name for this class)
      2. Enabled checkbox
      3. Priority drop-down, select one (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) (0=highest priority).
    4. In Assignment menu (enter details):
      1. On Assign Rules menu, to add a Rule, select item on left-side panel. Click Add► (item is moved). To remove a Rule, select item on right-side panel. Click ◄Remove (item is moved).
        If multiple rules are added, they are applied as OR (for example, if two rules are added, whichever rule applies is the rule used for the class.
      2. In Assign Interfaces menu, to add an Interface, select item on left-side panel. Click Add► (item is moved). To remove an Interface, select item on right-side panel. Click ◄Remove (item is moved).
    5. In Input menu, enter details: (Input menu details must match Output menu details)
      1. Enter Reserved Bandwidth. On Unit drop-down, select one (%, GB/s, MB/s, KB/s, B/s, Gbit/s, Mbit/s, Kbit/s, bit/s).
      2. Enter Max Bandwidth. On Unit drop-down, select one (%, GB/s, MB/s, KB/s, B/s, Gbit/s, Mbit/s, Kbit/s, bit/s).
    6. In Output menu, enter details:
      1. Enter Reserved Bandwidth. On Unit drop-down, select one (%, GB/s, MB/s, KB/s, B/s, Gbit/s, Mbit/s, Kbit/s, bit/s).
      2. Enter Max Bandwidth. On Unit drop-down, select one (%, GB/s, MB/s, KB/s, B/s, Gbit/s, Mbit/s, Kbit/s, bit/s).
    7. Click Save.
      The “Input” and “Output” sections only apply to interfaces with that corresponding direction. For example, if a class has “Input” and “Output” limits but is assigned to an interface with “output”, only “Output” limits apply.

    Edit a Class

    1. Go to Network :: QoS :: Classes.
    2. In the Name column, locate and select checkbox,
    3. Click Edit (opens dialog).
    4. Make changes, as needed.
    5. Click Save.

    Delete a Class

    1. Go to Network :: QoS :: Classes.
    2. Select checkbox to be deleted.
    3. Click Delete.

    Enable a Class

    1. Go to Network :: QoS :: Classes.
    2. Select checkbox to be enabled/disabled.
    3. Click Enable (to enable class).

    Disable a Class

    1. Go to Network :: QoS :: Classes.
    2. Select checkbox to be enabled/disabled.
    3. Click Disable (to disable class).

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