IKE Profile sub-tab
    • 17 Apr 2023
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    IKE Profile sub-tab

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    Article summary

    IKE Profiles are managed on this page. 

    Add New Profile

    1. Go to Network :: VPN drop-down :: IPsec :: IKE Profile.
    2. Click Add (displays dialog). 
    3. Enter Profile Name.
    4. On IKE Version drop-down, select one (IKEv1, IKEv2) (modifies Phase 1 selection).
      • If IKEv1 selection, on Mode drop-down, select one (Aggressive, Main). 
      • If IKEv2 selection: 
        • On Encryption drop-down, select one (3DES, AES, AES192, AES256, AES-CBC, AES-CBC192, AES-CBC256, AES-CTR, AES-CTR192, AES-CTR256, AES-GCM, AES-GCM192, AES-GCM256).
        • On Authentication drop-down, select one (SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, MD5).
        • On Diffie-Hellman Group drop-down, select one (Group 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 31).
        • Enter Lifetime (sec) value.
    5. Phase 2 menu, Authentication Protocol drop-down, select one (ESP, AH).
      • If ESP selection, On Encryption, select from left-side panel, click Add► to move to right-side panel. To remove from right-side panel, select, and click ◄Remove
      • If AH selection, On Authentication, select from left-side panel, click Add► to move to right-side panel. To remove from right-side panel, select, and click ◄Remove
    6. On Advanced Settings menu, if Enable Dead Peer Detection checkbox selected: 
      1. Select Enter number of retries checkbox
      2. Enter Interval (sec)
      3. On Action drop-down, select one (hold, clear, restart)
      4. Enter MTU
      5. Enter Custom Parameters (comma separated)
    7. Click Save.

    Edit Profile

    1. Go to Network :: VPN drop-down :: IPsec :: IKE Profile.
    2. Locate and click on the Profile Name.
    3. Modify details, as needed.
    4. Click Save.

    Delete Profile

    1. Go to Network :: VPN drop-down :: IPsec :: IKE Profile.
    2. Click the checkbox next to the profile to delete.
    3. Click Delete.

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