  • 20 Jan 2025
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Article summary

The Nodegrid Bold SR is ideally used as an OOBI-WAN gateway to provide a resilient Out-of-Band connection to remote locations. In this use case, the Bold SR acts as a local OOBI-LAN device to provide a dedicated network for management traffic and console access to the device via RS-232 or USB, as an OOBI-WAN gateway/router.

This use case can be easily expanded to provide inside visibility through deployments of sensors and containerized applications. Each Bold SR can be centrally managed from ZPE Cloud, a central access and management SaaS service.

This guide explains how to use ZPE Cloud to deploy a Bold SR as an OOBI-WAN gateway, accessible from ZPE Cloud. It can provide access to management interfaces using IP-based protocol console connections.

The guide explores how the system can be expanded to gain visibility of a location's environmental details and these are displayed with the ZPE Cloud Data Lake application.


To see how you can deploy a Bold SR as OOBI-WAN gateway with on-prem management, refer to “How to use on-prem Management and a Bold SR as OOBI-WAN Gateway”

Reference Drawing


Deployment Overview

To deploy a Bold SR as an OOBI-WAN gateway, follow this process:

  1. ZPE Cloud preparation
  2. Unbox Bold SR
  3. Base Configuration
  4. First access to Bold SR
  5. Network and Failover configuration
  6. Configure OOB access to devices
  7. Connect to managed devices
  8. Backup
  9. Monitoring and DataLake


The following are prerequisites for usage of this guide. This utilizes a Fortinet Firewall for one target device with a Web-based management interface.

  1. Bold SR with an LTE modem
  2. One Data SIM
  3. Temperature and Humidity Sensor
  4. One target device with a console management port.
  5. Category 5e or higher RJ-45 Ethernet cables for connecting network devices.
  6. Category 5e or higher RJ-45 Ethernet cables for console connection

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