• 20 Jan 2025
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    PROFILES Section

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    Article summary

    Profiles are managed in this section. This includes configurations, custom scripts, software versions, backup entries, and cellular firmware versions.

    About Dynamic Templates

    A dynamic template can be used to apply a dynamic configuration/script to one or more devices, using the Jinja2 format. When this type of template is applied, it contain embedded configuration details and scripts. Based on device specifications, the template is easily configured by the user. Dynamic templates can contain 2 types of pre-defined variables, static and dynamic ones.

    The process to apply a dynamic template requires these conditions:

    1. Identify needed custom fields (existing or newly created)

    2. Enable the dynamic custom fields that are intended to be used.

    3. Identify the configuration/script (create, clone, edit as needed).

    4. Identify the devices to apply the template (must be Enrolled).

    5. When the device(s) are selected, select the dynamic template that are contained in the scopes applied.

    6. When applied, the device is updated.

    Dynamic Variables Example

    For this, device.version, and site.address must be previously enabled.

    echo "What's the device version?"
    echo "The device version is {{ device.version }}!"
    echo "And the device's site? What's its name?"
    echo "The device site is {{ }} and its address is {{ site.address }}"
    echo "Look at these nice curly brackets! {{ '{{' }} {{ '}}' }}"
    echo "More nice brackets {% raw %} {{ }} {% endraw %}!"

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